Friday, August 12, 2005

Program Goals and Intended Participants

General Description - March 2007 Update

Search for Inner Peace through a Time for the Sabbath
- A Self Education Program

Many, if not most of us, grow up with a gnawing feeling that we are not living up to our full potential spiritually. In essence we are living as Pretend Self rather than living as Authentic or True Self. This leaves us feeling wounded. Often we feel dissatisfied not only in our relationship with self but also with God. We may even feel somewhat emotionally and spiritually deadened. This leaves us feeling alienated from God and self. We long to be healed, to be alive and to feel whole; we yearn for an ongoing practice of Sabbath. We long to undergo an inner transformation so that we can realize and experience our True Self. We also long to be reconciled with God so that we can truly experience the Divine existing within us.

Program Goals

The goal of Path of Inner Peace is to assist you on your spiritual journey to discover your True Self and to experience inner healing. The program is not a form of therapy in which an outer source of authority does something to you that brings about healing. Rather it facilitates self-learning in which you learn and discover for yourself new ways to tap into your own hidden creative inner resources and thereby bring about inner transformation, self-healing and reconciliation.
This educational program is designed to provide you with a structured program in which you not only have opportunity to undergo self-transformation but opportunity also to vividly experience the presence of Divine Spirit, the “living God” within so that reconciliation may occur.
Gradually as you discover your True Self you acquire the means to cope more effectively with the stresses of modern life. This enables you to choose and therefore to respond adaptively to your environment and its stressors rather than to react in a maladaptive-conditioned manner. Thus you will have more feelings of deep inner peace, joy and happiness.

Intended Participants

This program is designed for clergy and laity alike of all denominations who want to have an in-depth spiritual journey into self-discovery and growth. There are ample times of quiet solitude mixed with rich moments of sharing with a small group and a soul guide that is individualized for each person’s goals based upon where they are on their walk.


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